ARU Writtle and
Writtle College Library
Library Services for Teaching Staff
Here you will find information on some of the changes you will encounter with library services now that we are part of ARU. This page will be regularly updated to provide guidance on navigating the new resources and systems that are coming into effect.
Academic Staff Guide (to library services)
Access to resources
We are currently in a transition phase. Writtle's physical book catalogue and electronic resources will be integrated into ARU holdings during July and August.
For the time being you have continued access to Writtle's resources using WUC credentials in addition to full access to all ARU library resources using your new login.
If you need to borrow a book, please ask a member of staff.
You will be aware that ARU uses Cite Them Right 12th edn. as their preferred Harvard style.
All staff and students will have access to the Cite Them Right (CTR) online platform which provides guidance on referencing. The Subject Librarians run regular online workshops on referencing and CTR aimed at students.
ARU also provides access to the reference management software RefWorks.
Reading lists​
You will be asked to review and (re)create module reading lists on ARU's reading list platform KeyLinks. You will be able to manage your reading lists through Canvas.​
This is an great opportunity to review your lists and provide students with guided, course-relevant reading linking directly to library content.
Training will be provided on KeyLinks from mid-August.
Getting published
You will have received an email from the Research Services Manager at the beginning of March explaining something of ARU's research repository (ARRO), open access funding and the REF.
Supporting students​
Students will not have access to ARU online resources until September when they will be given their new single sign-on credentials. Writtle's existing resources remain accessible to them.
Please encourage students to complete an interlibrary-loan request form for any content that they cannot access through Writtle subscriptions. This form can be found on the library's Moodle page. Library staff will do their best to provide this material.
Student inductions and information skills training 2024/25​
Your Subject Librarian is able to deliver in person and online inductions and training for all students. Please factor this in to your tutorials or taught sessions. Returning students will also need a fresh introduction to ARU library services and resources.
Referencing support now falls under the remit of the Subject Librarian. The Study Coaches cover academic writing, organisational and numeracy skills.
Students will be able to attend Study Skills Plus workshops on topics such as locating research, referencing, IT skills and maths and stats, as well as book 1:1 appointments.
If you are a module leader of a Level 4 module, you are asked to select one core text to be made available to students as an e-textbook. This means that students will have access to a personal copy of this book and you will be able to use it as an engagement and teaching tool.
You may want to work with colleagues running other L4 modules on the same course so that you provide an optimum selection of e-textbooks to your cohort.
Get ahead!​
A programme of training and guidance activities was held w/b 10th June to support you prepare for the next academic year. Presentations and session recordings can be accessed via Teams.
You can also book Anglia Learning & Teaching sessions via Business World, including an Introduction AI, Copyright in HE, the video platform Yuja, and using Mentimeter.