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ELSEVIER journals

Writtle participates in JISC’s Read and Publish agreement with Elsevier. This provides unlimited open access publishing for WUC corresponding authors in most hybrid journals accepted between1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024. In addition, corresponding authors publishing in Elsevier's fully gold open access journals will receive a 15% discount on APCs (article publication charges).


To see which hybrid journals are part of the agreement, use Elsevier's checking tool.  APCs for articles in Elsevier’s Gold Open Access journals aren't covered, but a 15% discount is available.  At the present time there are no central funds available at WUC to support this.


To publish with Elsevier, follow the instructions from Elsevier, confirming your affiliation, that you are the corresponding author, and using your WUC email address.


Wiley journals

Writtle is part of Wiley’s Read & Publish agreement through JISC.  APC costs come from a shared, annual fund for participating institutions until that fund is depleted.


If you’re a Writtle corresponding author and your article is accepted in one of the journals covered, it will be open access and you won’t need to get separate funding or pay an APC.


Follow the instructions from Wiley:

Make your article open access with OnlineOpen within a hybrid journal (pdf)
Publish your article in a fully Gold Open Access journal (pdf)


Wiley require one responsible corresponding author (RCA) to be allocated at submission stage to determine eligibility for the agreement; this cannot be altered.  Please use your WUC email address in correspondence with Wiley.

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